I'm fairly good at adapting, however, and I had the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket waiting in the wings to save the weekend! What an excellent purchase. Not only can I watch all of it live and On-Demand, but I can also download it! I've just had the best night in watching a Starcraft II Q&A and discussions with the music director and the head of web/IT. Finally, it all ended with an incredible costume contest, video contest, song contest, and dance contest! On stage was an ensemble band lead by an amazing violinist and cellist. The cellist had a pedal hooked up to her hot pink and black electric cello and rocked it out with BRUTALITY!
The costume contest included a continuum from zany to deadly serious. Personally, the Moonkin terrified me!
But, were there fishnets? Yes! Someone was dressed as a Vegas Showgirl version of Lady Vashj.

Cool! Reminds me of one of the girls I saw at the Mermaid Day Parade this past summer