We've passed the half-way point in the semester in the IT program and I'm literally a few weeks away from needing to start the game design for my Java course. So far, I've created a random town map generator, but it needs more work. I'm hoping to be able to share my games/programs on my website for free as soon as I finish the class. For now the town generator is very simple and I want to refine it and set the maps up with squares. I'm not sure about the squares though. I could always put a distance key instead. Here's what it looks like. You hit the top bottom to get a random map. I drew the map elements in Paint and then assembled them in Adobe.

Aside from Java all is going well. I joined a group that does IT related community volunteer work. Since I tend to focus on what computing and gaming can do for me I'm excited about focusing on helping others. The game studio is also going fantastic. I gave a presentation, but I'll blog about that later.
Finally, I wanted to share with you some funny scenes from around campus:

Thank God someone put that in vector.....
Outside of the Engineering building someone added Pac-Man to the signage.
I totally want to play your game!