Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Fishnet Friday!

Did you just get engaged, get lost, have your car break down and get trapped in the pouring rain with only a newspaper between you and the lightning??

What's that light off in the distance? Is it a place to go?

There's a light over at the Frankenstein Place
There's a light burning in the fireplace

Surprise! You just want to use the phone to call for help, but....

This guy is hosting a party...

Aw, he made him a man...

Then that happens amongst much singing, dancing, rejoicing, motorcycle/foot chase and hacking with the blood spurting and oh mercy!

Everyone gets freaky with everyone else and I'm sure there's a mathematical formula that you can develop and, or Java code that you could write to show how this part works.

Oh yes, and I can't forget. Like any good host Dr. Fank-n-Furter serves his guests dinner.

Funny, looks more like roast than ...Meatloaf...

It's all doomed! How could it end...

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