There were many excellent books out to choose from on Free Comic Book Day, but there were only two that I really had my eye on: Iron Man/Thor and Fraggle Rock (which was the flipside to Mouse Guard).
If you saw my Toki Doki Thor shirt that I posted about a few days ago then you already know I am a fan of Thor. I'm very excited about the Thor movie coming out next year and the teasers for it that I know will be built in to Iron Man 2.
That said, the Thor and Iron Man comic was enjoyable and a bit scary in the way that mediums such as comics and sci-fi can both predict and critique our culture. Thor begins the show by attempting and failing to control the horrible weather that is plaguing the Earth. Meanwhile, the rich elite are building a base on the moon (Atlas Shrugged in space anyone?) and Tony Stark is approached about some old Stark technology.
I won't tell you everything that happens but the story was well-done and felt like a good classic comic read.
In an entirely different vein we have the Fraggle Rock comic. I am an original fan of the show that appeared in the mid-80's and I still have my collection of incredibly well made Fraggles. Boober is my favorite Fraggle and this comic begins with an cute story about Boober's identity crisis and his attempt to work with the Doozers. I liked how that particular story could capture the attention of a child with its message of acceptance, but also could be relevant to original fans of the show who are now in their late 20's and early 30's and probably going through their own crisis of identity.
Fraggle Rock will continue as a monthly comic with issues coming out in May and June.
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